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Curriculum Structure and Sum of Credits

Since the approval of a new curriculum structure in 2014, all courses taught at the PPGLit are based on one of the six lines of research – Subjectivity, Memory and History; Archive, Time and Image; Hybrid Textualities; Feminist Criticism and Gender Studies; Poetry and Aisthesis; Theory of Modernity – or else linked to the concentration area common to all of them. Importantly, at the PPGLit, all courses – except for the Teaching Practicum required for CAPES DS scholarship holders– are elective.


To see the structure in details click here (in Portuguese).

Conteúdo acessível em Libras usando o VLibras Widget com opções dos Avatares Ícaro, Hosana ou Guga. Conteúdo acessível em Libras usando o VLibras Widget com opções dos Avatares Ícaro, Hosana ou Guga.